ISO TC 226 , استانداردهای پرایمر آلومینیوم

materials for the production of primary aluminium
دانلود استانداردهای بین المللی ایزو برای متریال تولید پرایمر آلومینیوم
(پکیج استانداردهای کمیته فنی ISO TC 226)
لیست استانداردها و ویرایشها در این پکیج:
پارت 1 (ISO 806 تا ISO 9406)
ISO 806 — 2004 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of loss of mass at 300 degrees C and 1 000 degrees C
ISO 902 — 1976 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Measurement of the angle of repose
ISO 1619 — 1976 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Preparation and storage of test samples
ISO 1620 — 1976 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Determination of silica content — Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
ISO 1693 — 1976 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Determination of fluorine content — Modified Willard-Winter method
ISO 1694 — 1976 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Determination of iron content — 1,10- Phenanthroline photometric method
ISO 2366 — 1974 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Determination of sodium content — Flame emission and atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods
ISO 2367 — 1972 Cryolite (natural and artificial) — Determination of aluminium content — 8- Hydroxyquinoline gravimetric method
ISO 2828 — 1973 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of fluorine content — Alizarin complexone and lanthanum chloride spectrophotometric method
ISO 2829 — 1973 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of phosphorus content — Reduced phosphomolybdate spectrophotometric method
ISO 2830 — 1973 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Determination of aluminium content — Atomic absorption method
ISO 2865 — 1973+ COR 1-1991 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of boron content — Curcumin spectrophotometric method — Technical Corrigendum 1
ISO 2926 — 2013 Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium — Particle size analysis for the range 45 µm to 150 µm — Method using electroformed sieves
ISO 2927 — 1973 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Sampling
ISO 2961 — 1974 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of an adsorption index
ISO 3391 — 1976 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Determination of calcium content — Flame atomic absorption method
ISO 3393 — 1976 Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of moisture content — Gravimetric method
ISO 3429 — 1976 Sodium fluoride primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of iron content — 1,10- Phenanthroline photometric method
ISO 3430 — 1976 Sodium fluoride primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of silica content — Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
ISO 3431 — 1976 Sodium fluoride primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of soluble sulphates content — Turbidimetric method
ISO 3566 — 1976 Sodium fluoride primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of chlorides content — Turbidimetric method
ISO 3699 — 1976 Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride for industrial use — Determination of water content — Karl Fischer method
ISO 4277 — 2009 Cryolite, natural and artificial — Conventional test for evaluation of free fluorides content
ISO 4280 — 1977 Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sulphate content — Barium sulphate gravimetric method
ISO 5931 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke and calcined carbon products — Determination of total sulfur by the Eschka method
ISO 5938 — 1979 Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of sulphur content — X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
ISO 5939 — 1980 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of water content — Azeotropic distillation (Dean and Stark) method
ISO 5940-1 — 2019 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Part 1: Determination of softening point by the ring-and-ball method
ISO 5940-2 — 2007 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Part 2: Determination of the softening point (Mettler softening point method)
ISO 6257 — 2002 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Sampling
ISO 6374 — 1981 Cryolite, natural and artificial, and aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of phosphorus content — Atomic absorption spectrometric method after extraction
ISO 6375 — 1980 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Coke for electrodes — Sampling
ISO 6376 — 1980 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of content of toluene-insoluble material
ISO 6791 — 1981 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of contents of quinoline-insoluble material
ISO 6997 — 1985 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of apparent oil content — Heating method
ISO 6998 — 1997+COR 1-1999 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of coking value
ISO 6999 — 1983 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of density — Pycnometric method
ISO 8003 — 1985 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Measurement of dynamic viscosity
ISO 8004 — 1985 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Calcined coke and calcined carbon products — Determination of the density in xylene — Pyknometric method
ISO 8005 — 2005 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Green and calcined coke — Determination of ash content
ISO 8006 — 1985 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of ash
ISO 8007-1 — 1999 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Sampling plans and sampling from individual units — Part 1: Cathode blocks
ISO 8007-2 — 1999 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Sampling plans and sampling from individual units — Part 2: Prebaked anodes
ISO 8007-3 — 2003 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Sampling plans and sampling from individual units — Part 3: Sidewall blocks
ISO 8008 — 2005 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption
ISO 8220 — 1986 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of the fine particle size distribution (less than 60 mu/m) — Method using electroformed sieves
ISO 8658 — 1997 Carbonaceous materials for use in the production of aluminium — Green and calcined coke — Determination of trace elements by flame atomic absorption spectrometry
ISO 8723 — 1986 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of oil content — Method by solvent extraction
ISO 9055 — 1988 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of sulfur content by the bomb method
ISO 9088 — 1997 Carbonaceous materials used for the production of aluminium — Cathode blocks and prebaked anodes — Determination of the density in xylene by a pyknometric method
ISO 9406 — 1995 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Green coke — Determination of volatile matter content by gravimetric analysis
پارت 2 (ISO 10142 تا آخر)
ISO 10142 — 1996 Carbonaceous materials for use in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of grain stability using a laboratory vibration mill
ISO 10143 — 2014 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Calcined coke for electrodes — Determination of the electrical resistivity of granules
ISO 10236 — 1995 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Green coke and calcined coke for electrodes — Determination of bulk density (tapped)
ISO 10237 — 1997 Carbonaceous materials for use in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of residual-hydrogen content
ISO 10238 — 1999 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of sulfur content by an instrumental method
ISO 11412 — 1998 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of water content
ISO 11706 — 2012 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Prebaked anodes — Determination of the fracture energy
ISO 11713 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Cathode blocks and baked anodes — Determination of electrical resistivity at ambient temperature
ISO 12315 — 2010 Aluminium oxide primarily used for production of aluminium — Method for calculating the Al2O3 content of smelter-grade alumina
ISO 12926 — 2012 Aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Determination of trace elements — Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method using pressed powder tablets
ISO 12977 — 1999 Carbonaceous materials for use in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of volatile matter content
ISO 12979 — 1999 Carbonaceous materials for use in the production of aluminium — Pitch for electrodes — Determination of C/H ratio in the quinoline-insoluble fraction
ISO 12980 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Green coke and calcined coke for electrodes — Analysis using an X-ray fluorescence method
ISO 12981-1 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of the reactivity to carbon dioxide — Part 1: Loss in mass method
ISO 12982-1 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of the reactivity to air — Part 1: Ignition temperature method
ISO 12984 — 2018 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of particle size distribution
ISO 12985-1 — 2018 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Baked anodes and cathode blocks — Part 1: Determination of apparent density using a dimensions method
ISO 12985-2 — 2018 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Baked anodes and cathode blocks — Part 2: Determination of apparent density and of open porosity using a hydrostatic method
ISO 12986-1 — 2014 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Prebaked anodes and cathode blocks — Part 1: Determination of bending/shear strength by the three-point method
ISO 12986-2 — 2014 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Prebaked anodes and cathode blocks — Part 2: Determination of flexural strength by the four-point method
ISO 12987 — 2004 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Anodes, cathodes blocks, sidewall blocks and baked ramming pastes — Determination of the thermal conductivity using a comparative method
ISO 12988-1 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Baked anodes — Determination of the reactivity to carbon dioxide — Part 1: Loss in mass method
ISO 12988-2 — 2004 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Baked anodes — Determination of the reactivity to carbon dioxide — Part 2: Thermogravimetric method
ISO 12989-1 — 2000 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Baked anodes and sidewall blocks — Determination of the reactivity to air — Part 1: Loss in mass method
ISO 12989-2 — 2004 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Baked anodes and sidewall blocks — Determination of the reactivity to air — Part 2: Thermogravimetric method
ISO 14420 — 2020 Carbonaceous products for the production of aluminium — Baked anodes and shaped carbon products — Determination of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion
ISO 14422 — 1999 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Cold-ramming pastes — Methods of sampling
ISO 14427 — 2004 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Cold and tepid ramming pastes — Preparation of unbaked test specimens and determination of apparent density after compaction
ISO 14428 — 2019 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Cold and tepid ramming pastes — Expansion/shrinkage during baking
ISO 14435 — 2005 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Petroleum coke — Determination of trace metals by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
ISO 15379-1 — 2019 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Cathode block materials — Part 1: Determination of the expansion due to sodium penetration with application of pressure
ISO 15379-2 — 2015 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Cathode block materials — Part 2: Determination of the expansion due to sodium penetration without application of pressure
ISO 15906 — 2007 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Baked anodes — Determination of the air permeability
ISO 17499 — 2006 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Determination of baking level expressed by equivalent temperature
ISO 17500 — 2006 Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium — Determination of attrition index
ISO 17544 — 2004 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Cold and tepid ramming pastes — Determination of rammability of unbaked pastes
ISO 18142 — 2014 Carbonaceous materials for the production of primary aluminium — Baked carbon bodies — Determination of the dynamic elasticity modulus by the resonance method
ISO 18515 — 2014 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium — Cathode blocks and baked anodes — Determination of compressive strength
ISO 18842 — 2015 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Method for the determination of tapped and untapped density
ISO 18843 — 2015 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Method for the determination of flow time
ISO 19950 — 2015 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Determination of alpha alumina content — Method using X-ray diffraction net peak areas
ISO 20202 — 2004 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Cold and tepid ramming pastes — Preparation of baked test pieces and determination of loss on baking
ISO 20203 — 2005 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Calcined coke — Determination of crystallite size of calcined petroleum coke by X-ray diffraction
ISO 20292 — 2009 Materials for the production of primary aluminium — Dense refractory bricks — Determination of cryolite resistance
ISO 21687 — 2007 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas — Solid materials
ISO 22731 — 2020 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium — Cathode — Cathode abrasion testing
ISO 23028 — 2019 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium — Preparation and storage of test samples
ISO 23201 — 2015 Aluminium oxide primarily used for production of aluminium — Determination of trace elements — Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
ISO 23202 — 2006 Aluminium oxide used for the production of aluminium — Determination of particles passing a 20 micrometre aperture sieve
- فرمت فایلها: PDF (نسخه های قدیمی اسکن هستند)
- زبان نگارش: انگلیسی
- کمیته فنی : ISO TC 226
- ویرایشهای فعال تا: 2023
- کلیدواژه: استانداردهای BS EN + استانداردهای ISO+ استاندارد های آلومینیوم