API-HSE-001 , استانداردهای ایمنی صنایع بالادستی نفت

دانلود مجموعه استانداردهای ایمنی API در صنایع بالادستی نفت و گاز
لیست استانداردهای این مجموعه :
- API RP 49 2001-R2013 “Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide
- API RP 51R 2009 “Environmental Protection for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operations and Leases
- API RP 54 2019+A1-2021 “Occupational Safety and Health for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing Operations
- API RP 55 1995-R2013 “Recommended Practice for Oil and Gas Producing and Gas Processing Plant Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide
- API STD 65-2 2010 “Isolating Potential Flow Zones During Well Construction
- API RP 65-3 2021 SCAN “Wellbore Plugging and Abandonment
- API RP 67 2007-R2015 “Recommended Practice for Oilfield Explosives Safety
- API RP 74 2001-R2013 “Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operation
- API RP 75 2019 Safety and Environmental Management System for Offshore Operations and Assets
- API BULL 75L 2007-R2013 Guidance Document for the Development of a Safety and Environmental Management System for Onshore Oil and Natural Gas Production Operations and Associated Activities
- API RP 76 2007-R2013 Contractor Safety Management for Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Operations
مشخصات فایل
- فرمت فایل ها: PDF
- زبان نگارش: انگلیسی
- بررسی آخرین ویرایشهای فعال: 02-2024
- کمیته فنی: Safety & Fire Protection
- حجم دانلود: 20MB