ISO TC 92-2 , استانداردهای مهار و کنترل آتش

ISO TC 92-2 : Fire safety __ Fire containment
دانلود استانداردهای بین المللی ایزو برای ایمنی حریق _ مجموعه استانداردهای کمیته فنی ISO TC 92/SC-2 : مهار و کنترل آتش
کمیته فنی ISO TC 92 یکی از کمیته ایزو در زمینه استاندارد سازی حریق و ایمنی در برابر آتش می باشد که شامل 4 زیر کمیته فرعی و یک کمیته مستقیم می باشد.. در اینجا استاندارهای کمیته شماره 2 را دانلود خواهید کرد. برای دانلود کمیته های دیگر، بر روی لینکهای زیر کلیک نمایید.
- ISO TC 92-1 : Fire safety __Fire initiation and growth
- ISO TC 92-3 : Fire safety __ Fire threat to people and environment
- ISO TC 92-4 : Fire safety __ Fire safety engineering
لیست استانداردهای TC 92-2 :
- ISO 834-1:1999/AMD 1:2012 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 1: General requirements — Amendment 1
- ISO 834-2:2009 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 2: Requirements and recommendations for measuring furnace exposure on test samples
- ISO/TR 834-3:2012 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 3: Commentary on test method and guide to the application of the outputs from the fire-resistance test
- ISO 834-4:2000 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 4: Specific requirements for loadbearing vertical separating elements
- ISO 834-5:2000 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 5: Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements
- ISO 834-6:2000 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 6: Specific requirements for beams
- ISO 834-7:2000 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 7: Specific requirements for columns
- ISO 834-8:2002/COR 1:2009 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 8: Specific requirements for non-loadbearing vertical separating elements — Technical Corrigendum 1
- ISO 834-9:2003/COR 1:2009 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 9: Specific requirements for non-loadbearing ceiling elements — Technical Corrigendum 1
- ISO 834-10:2014 Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 10: Specific requirements to determine the contribution of applied fire protection materials to structural steel elements
- ISO 834-11:2014 Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 11: Specific requirements for the assessment of fire protection to structural steel elements
- ISO 834-12:2012 Fire resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Part 12: Specific requirements for separating elements evaluated on less than full scale furnaces
- ISO 3008-1:2019 Fire resistance tests — Door and shutter assemblies — Part 1: General requirements
- ISO 3008-2:2017 Fire-resistance tests — Part 2: Lift landing door assemblies
- ISO 3008-3:2016 Fire resistance tests — Part 3: Door and shutter assemblies horizontally oriented
- ISO 3008-4:2021 Fire resistance tests — Door and shutter assemblies — Part 4: Linear joint fire seal materials used to seal the gap between a fire door frame and the supporting construction
- ISO 3009:2003 Fire-resistance tests — Elements of building construction — Glazed elements
- ISO 5925-1:2007 Fire tests — Smoke-control door and shutter assemblies — Part 1: Ambient- and medium-temperature leakage tests
- ISO/TR 5925-2:1997 Fire tests — Smoke-control door and shutter assemblies — Part 2: Commentary on test method and the applicability of test conditions and the use of test data in a smoke containment strategy
- ISO 6944-1:2008 Fire containment — Elements of building construction — Part 1: Ventilation ducts
- ISO 6944-2:2009 Fire containment — Elements of building construction — Part 2: Kitchen extract ductsISO 10294-5:2005 Fire resistance tests — Fire dampers for air distribution systems — Part 5: Intumescent fire dampers
- ISO 10295-1:2007 Fire tests for building elements and components — Fire testing of service installations — Part 1: Penetration seals
- ISO 10295-2:2009/COR 1:2009 Fire tests for building elements and components — Fire testing of service installations — Part 2: Linear joint (gap) seals — Technical Corrigendum 1
- ISO/TR 10295-3:2012 Fire tests for building elements and components — Fire testing of service installations — Part 3: Single component penetration seals — Guidance on the construction and use of test configurations and simulated services to characterise sealing materials
- ISO 12468-1:2013 External exposure of roofs to fire — Part 1: Test method
- ISO/TR 12468-3:2014 External exposure of roofs to fire — Part 3: Commentary
- ISO/TR 12470-1:2017 Fire-resistance tests — Guidance on the application and extension of results from tests conducted on fire containment assemblies and products — Part 1: Loadbearing elements and vertical and horizontal separating elements
- ISO/TR 12470-2:2017 Fire-resistance tests — Guidance on the application and extension of results from tests conducted on fire containment assemblies and products — Part 2: Non-loadbearing elements
- ISO/TR 12471:2004 Computational structural fire design — Review of calculation models, fire tests for determining input material data and needs for further development
- ISO 12472:2003 Fire resistance of timber door assemblies – Method of determining the efficacy of intumescent seals
- ISO/TR 15655:2003 Fire resistance — Tests for thermo-physical and mechanical properties of structural materials at elevated temperatures for fire engineering design
- ISO/TR 15656:2003 Fire resistance — Guidelines for evaluating the predictive capability of calculation models for structural fire behaviour
- ISO/TR 15657:2013 Fire resistance tests — Guidelines for computational structural fire design
- ISO/TR 15658:2009 Fire resistance tests — Guidelines for the design and conduct of non-furnace-based large-scale tests and simulation
- ISO 20902-1:2018 Fire test procedures for divisional elements that are typically used in oil, gas and petrochemical industries — Part 1: General requirements
- ISO 21925-1:2018 Fire resistance tests — Fire dampers for air distribution systems — Part 1: Mechanical dampers
- ISO 21925-2:2021 Fire resistance tests — Fire dampers for air distribution systems — Part 2: Intumescent dampers
- ISO 22899-1:2007 Determination of the resistance to jet fires of passive fire protection materials — Part 1: General requirements
مشخصات فایل
- فرمت فایل ها: PDF
- زبان نگارش: انگلیسی
- کمیته فنی: ISO TC 92
- ویرایشهای فعال تا: 02-2023
- کلیدواژه: استاندارد ISO + استانداردهای ایمنی + HSE + استانداردهای حریق و آتشنشانی