ISO TC 102 , استانداردهای سنگ آهن و احیا مستقیم

ISO/TC 102 (iron ore and direct reduced iron)
دانلود مجموعه استانداردهای ISO TC 102 (کمیته فنی ایزو، برای تنظیم و نشر استانداردهای مربوط به سنگ آهن و استانداردهای آهن احیا شده به روش احیا مستقیم)
این مجموعه شامل بیش از 80 آیتم استاندارد و آخرین ویرایشهای استانداردهای کمیته فنی 102 می باشد که قیمت همه آنها در وبسایت های خارجی، بالغ بر 8000 دلار است.
لیست همه استانداردهای این مجموعه به شرح زیر است:
بخش اول: (ISO/TC 102/SC 1) نمونه گیری برای آنالیز سنگ آهن
ISO 11323:2010 Iron ore and direct reduced iron — Vocabulary
ISO 3082:2017 Iron ores — Sampling and sample preparation procedures
ISO 3084:1998 Iron ores — Experimental methods for evaluation of quality variation
ISO 3085:2019 Iron ores — Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling, sample preparation and measurement
ISO 3086:2006 Iron ores — Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling
ISO 3087:2020 Iron ores — Determination of the moisture content of a lot
ISO 4701:2019 Iron ores and direct reduced iron — Determination of size distribution by sieving
ISO 10835:2007 Direct reduced iron and hot briquetted iron — Sampling and sample preparation
ISO 16742:2014 Iron ores — Sampling of slurries
بخش دوم: (ISO/TC 102/SC 2) روشهای آنالیز شیمیایی سنگ آهن
ISO 2596:2006 Iron ores — Determination of hygroscopic moisture in analytical samples — Gravimetric, Karl Fischer and mass-loss methods
ISO 2597-1:2006 Iron ores — Determination of total iron content — Part 1: Titrimetric method after tin(II) chloride reduction
ISO 2597-2:2019 Iron ores — Determination of total iron content — Part 2: Titrimetric methods after titanium(III) chloride reduction
ISO 2598-1:1992 Iron ores — Determination of silicon content — Part 1: Gravimetric methods
ISO 2598-2:1992 Iron ores — Determination of silicon content — Part 2: Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
ISO 2599:2003 Iron ores — Determination of phosphorus content — Titrimetric method
ISO 4687-1:1992 Iron ores — Determination of phosphorus content — Part 1: Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
ISO/TR 4688-1:2017 Iron ores — Determination of aluminium — Part 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 4689-1:2023 Iron ores — Determination of sulfur content — Barium sulfate gravimetric method
ISO 4689-2:2017 Iron ores — Determination of sulfur content — Part 2: Combustion/titration method
ISO 4689-3:2017 Iron ores — Determination of sulfur content — Part 3: Combustion/infrared metho
ISO 4691:2009 Iron ores — Determination of titanium — Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometric method
ISO 4694:1987 Iron ores — Determination of fluorine content — Ion-selective electrode method
ISO 5416:2006 Direct reduced iron — Determination of metallic iron — Bromine-methanol titrimetric method
ISO 5418-1:2006 Iron ores — Determination of copper — Part 1: 2,2′-Biquinolyl spectrophotometric method
ISO 5418-2:2006 Iron ores — Determination of copper — Part 2: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 6830:1986 Iron ores — Determination of aluminium content — EDTA titrimetric method
ISO 7335:1987 Iron ores — Determination of combined water content — Karl Fischer titrimetric method
ISO 7764:2006 Iron ores — Preparation of predried test samples for chemical analysis
ISO 7834:1987 Iron ores — Determination of arsenic content — Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
ISO 9035:1989 Iron ores — Determination of acid-soluble iron(II) content — Titrimetric method
ISO 9516-1:2003 Iron ores — Determination of various elements by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry — Part 1: Comprehensive procedure
ISO 9517:2007 Iron ores — Determination of water-soluble chloride — Ion-selective electrode method
ISO 9682-1:2009 Iron ores — Determination of manganese content — Part 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 9682-2:2006 Iron ores — Determination of manganese content — Part 2: Periodate spectrophotometric method
ISO 9683-1:2006 Iron ores — Determination of vanadium — Part 1: BPHA spectrophotometric method
ISO 9683-2:2009 Iron ores — Determination of vanadium — Part 2: Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methods
ISO 9685:1991 Iron ores — Determination of nickel and/or chromium contents — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO/TR 9686:2017 Direct reduced iron — Determination of carbon and/or sulfur — High-frequency combustion method with infrared measurement
ISO 10203:2017 Iron ores — Determination of calcium — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 10204:2017 Iron ores — Determination of magnesium — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO/TR 11422:1996 Iron ores — Recommended procedures for iron ore dissolution using either acid digestion or alkali fusion
ISO 11459:1997 Iron ores — Certified reference materials — Preparation and certification for use in chemical analysis
ISO 11533:2009 Iron ores — Determination of cobalt — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 11534:2006 Iron ores — Determination of tin — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 11535:2006 Iron ores — Determination of various elements — Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
ISO 11536:2015 Iron ores — Determination of loss on ignition — Gravimetric method
ISO 13310:1997 Iron ores — Determination of zinc content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 13311:1997 Iron ores — Determination of lead content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 13312:2017 Iron ores — Determination of potassium — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 13313:2017 Iron ores — Determination of sodium — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 15633:2017 Iron ores — Determination of nickel — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 15634:2015 Iron ores — Determination of chromium content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO 16042:2007 Iron ores — Guidelines for the use of certified reference materials (CRMs)
ISO/TR 16043:2015 Iron ores — Determination of chlorine content — X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
ISO 16878:2016 Iron ores — Determination of metallic iron content — Iron(III) chloride titrimetric method
ISO 17992:2013 Iron ores — Determination of arsenic content — Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometric method
ISO/TR 18230:2015 Iron ores — Determination of loss on ignition — Non-oxidised ores
ISO/TR 18231:2016 Iron ores — Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers — Determination of precision
ISO/TR 18336:2016 Guidelines for good XRF laboratory practice for the iron ore industry
ISO/TS 21826:2020 Iron ores — Determination of total iron content — EDTA photometric titration method
ISO 22682:2017 Iron ores — Determination of trace elements — Plasma spectrometric method
بخش سوم: (ISO/TC 102/SC 3) تست های فیزیکی
ISO 3271:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace and direct reduction feedstocks — Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices
ISO 3852:2007 Iron ores for blast furnace and direct reduction feedstocks — Determination of bulk density
ISO 4695:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of the reducibility by the rate of reduction index
ISO 4696-1:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method — Part 1: Reduction with CO, CO2, H2 and N2
ISO 4696-2:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method — Part 2: Reduction with CO and N2
ISO 4698:2007 Iron ore pellets for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of the free-swelling index
ISO 4700:2015 Iron ore pellets for blast furnace and direct reduction feedstocks — Determination of the crushing strength
ISO 7215:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of the reducibility by the final degree of reduction index
ISO 7992:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of reduction under load
ISO 8263:1992 Iron ore fines — Method for presentation of the results of sintering tests
ISO 8371:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of the decrepitation index
ISO 11256:2015 Iron ore pellets for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks — Determination of the clustering index
ISO 11257:2015 Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks — Determination of the low-temperature reduction-disintegration index and degree of metallization
ISO 11258:2015 Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks — Determination of the reducibility index, final degree of reduction and degree of metallization
ISO 13930:2015 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks — Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by dynamic method
ISO 15967:2007 Direct reduced iron — Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices of hot briquetted iron (HBI)
ISO 15968:2016 Direct reduced iron — Determination of apparent density and water absorption of hot briquetted iron (HBI)
ISO 21283:2018 Iron ores — Determination of specific surface area — Test method using air-permeability apparatus (Blaine)
- فرمت فایلها: PDF
- زبان نگارش: انگلیسی
- بررسی برای آخرین ویرایشهای فعال: 10-2023
- کلیدواژه: استانداردهای ISO + استانداردهای متالورژی + معدن+ سنگ آهن + ISO/TC 102