API EXP-023 , ایمنی در صنایع حفاری و استخراج نفتوگاز

Health, Environment, and Safety for Upstream segment of oil &gas Industries
دانلود مجموعه استانداردهای API برای ایمنی در صنایع بالادستی نفت و گاز، حفاری، و استخراج نفت
این کمیته فنی از استانداردهای API، الزامات ایمنی اختصاصی در حوزه حفاری و استخراج نفت و گاز را پوشش می دهد. این کمیته شامل سه بخش فرعی به شرح زیر است:
– بخش اول : Exploration and Production Safety Standards (استانداردهای ایمنی حفاری و تولید)
–بخش دوم: General (الزامات عمومی ایمنی)
–بخش سوم: Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (مواد رادیواکتیو طبیعی)
لیست استانداردهای مجموعه API EXP-023 :
- API 54 —2019 Occupational Safety and Health for Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing Operations
- API 67 —2007-R2015 Recommended Practice for Oilfield Explosives Safety
- API 74 —2001-R2013 Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Onshore Oil and Gas Production Operation
- API 75 —2019 Safety and Environmental Management System for Offshore Operations and Assets
- API 75L —2007 Guidance Document for the Development of a Safety and Environmental Management System for Onshore Oil and Natural Gas Production Operations and Associated Activities
- API 76 —2007-R2013 Contractor Safety Management for Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Operations
- API 77 —2018 Risk-Based Approach for Managing Hydrocarbon Vapor Exposure During Tank Gauging, Sampling, and Maintenance of Onshore Production Facilities
- API BULL E1 —1990+E1-1991 Generic Hazardous Chemical Category List and Inventory for the Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Industry
- API 1145 —2018 Preparation of Response Plans for Oil Spills from Offshore Facilities
- API 4702 —2001 Technologies to Reduce Oil and Grease Content of Well Treatment, Well Completion, and Workover Fluids for Overboard Disposal
- API 7100 —1996 A Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Disposal Cost Study
- API 7101 —1997 A National Survey on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) in Petroleum Producing and Gas Processing Facilities
- API 7102 —1997 Methods for Measuring Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) in Petroleum Production Equipment
- API 7103— 1997 Management and Disposal Alternatives for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Wastes in Oil Production and Gas Plant Equipment
- API 7104 —1997 Proceedings of the 1995 API and GRI Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Conference
- API 7105 —1997 Probabilistic Estimates of Dose and Indoor Radon Concentrations Attributable to Remediated Oilfield Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)
مشخصات فایل
- فرمت فایل: PDF
- زبان نگارش: انگلیسی
- کمیته فنی: API CSOEM
- ویرایش: آخرین نسخه های فعال تا 2024
- کلیدواژه: استاندارد API + ایمنی در حفاری نفت + ایمنی صنایع بالادستی نفت و گاز